who we are

About Us

Disputes involving authorized transactions are complex. Every year, many of the institutions that govern your rights to dispute change their policies. Echelon ChargeBack clients gain from our team’s knowledge and expertise to fight for the best possible outcome.

Echelonchargeback is a leader in developing novel ways for tracing bitcoin throughout the blockchain, romance scam, NFT scam, investment scam, as well as pursuing chargebacks and other forms of reparation. Our dual objective is to aid bitcoin recovery by conducting forensic investigations utilizing cutting-edge technology, as well as to level the playing field in the payments sector by changing the way consumers and issuing banks assess and confirm disputes.

When dealing with complex, sanctioned transactions gone wrong, ordinary people want guidance and actual protection.
Echelonchargeback was built to address this issue. Not only do individuals with transaction problems come to us for help, but so do non-profit organizations, international financial institutions, and banks. To learn more, please watch our introductory video.

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+1 559-765-0570

Echelonchargeback has recovered millions of dollars for customers throughout the world through forensic investigations and sophisticated card-not-present transaction disputes.

what we stand for

Our Company Values

We take pleasure in being equally interested, honest, and enthusiastic. Every day, we work to solve complicated challenges that make our society safer and provide the groundwork for the online economy to thrive and free of fraud.

Visa,® Mastercard®, and all other credit card issuers provide customers the option to challenge charges. We will explain what they are and how to utilize them so that you have the best chance of receiving your money back.

If your case does not satisfy the conditions for a chargeback, we will inform you right away. And if a more acceptable or cost-effective alternative is available, we’ll let you know about it ahead of time.

Chargeback requests must be submitted within specific deadlines set by credit card providers. However, they can be affected by a variety of variables. We know what they are, and we’ll make sure you don’t overlook them.

The merchant may oppose to your chargeback in writing, which is known as a representment. As a result, it is critical to implement the best chargeback approach from the outset. And that’s where our experts come in!

Law enforcement agencies, cryptocurrency exchanges, online businesses and banks benefit from our technology and experience by speeding up investigations and lowering processing time.

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What They're Saying

Designed by investigators for investigators.

315 +
Dispute Resolved
75 +
Satisfied Clients
35 +